AlexCTF CR3: What is this encryption?
Fady assumed this time that you will be so n00b to tell what encryption he is using he send the following note to his friend in plain sight :
He is underestimating our crypto skills!
It was helpful to already be familiar with cryptography and the math used in RSA for this challenge. I saw that we were given “p”, “q”, “e”, and the ciphertext so now I just needed to find “d” and use it to decrypt the cipher. Since it helps to understand how RSA works I have provided a very brief description below.
Basic overview of RSA:
1) Pick two large primes p and q
2) n = p * q
3) φ(n) = (p-1)(q-1)
4) Pick an e relatively prime to φ(n) (e will be used to encrypt the message)
5) Find mulitplicative inverse of e mod φ(n) (This means find d such that d*e mod φ(n) = 1)
Once you have all of these variables you can encrypt and decrypt messages.
Encrypt: c = m^e mod n
Decrypt: m = c^d mod n
I wrote a python script to find d and decrypt the message.
import gmpy
import binascii
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
n= p*q
d = long(gmpy.invert(e,(p-1)*(q-1)))
print (e*d) % ((p-1)*(q-1))
key = RSA.construct((p*q,e,d))
hexi = "{0:x}".format(key.decrypt(c))
print binascii.unhexlify(hexi)
** CR4: Poor RSA was a similar challenge except you had to first factor n to find p and q. I was using a program called msieve to try to find a factor but was not succesful.
After reading writeups, I found a website which can be used to find known factors.
This reference was found at
I have found several very good writeups from this writer, so I recommend book marking this blog.